R01UH0822EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 277 of 1041
Jul 31, 2019
RX13T Group
16. Data Transfer Controller (DTCb)
DTC Index Table
The DTC index table is allocated to the area where its start address is configured in the DTCIBR register.
Store the start address of transfer information table p for sequence number p in the address of p × 4.
The upper 30 bits of the start address is set to the upper 30 bits of the DTC index. Set the CPUSEL bit to select either of
reading the transfer information and starting the sequence, or output an interrupt request to the CPU without starting the
sequence. For a complicated sequence that the DTC cannot handle, set the CPUSEL bit to 1 to allow the CPU to handle
such a sequence.
Figure 16.17
DTC Index Table
Start address of transfer
information table 0 (upper 30 bits)
Start address of transfer
information table p (upper 30 bits)
4 bytes
+ p × 4
DTC index table base address
DTC index address = sequence number × 4
Transfer information
Transfer information
Start address of transfer
information table 1 (upper 30 bits)
0000 0000 0······0 0000 00
DTC index table
Transfer information table 0
Transfer information
Transfer information
Transfer information table p