Chapter 3.Development Environment
3.1.Sample Code Configuration
The Sample code is provided as a project generator with the RSK. To create the sample code project follow the instructions in the RSK Quick
Start Guide.
When created the sample code will contain the source for both the Host and Target projects, including any configuration driver files.
3.2.Target Sample Code Options
When developing USB software it is useful to be able to get debug information out at runtime without stopping code from running such as
when stepping in a debugger. All modules of the USB Stack software include debug messages that can be utilised in a system that supports
printf. The sample Applications all support printf and the output is viewable via the serial port of the RSK. To view the serial output the
following settings are required:
Baud: 19200. Data: 8 Bit. Parity: None. Stop Bits: 1. Flow: None.
The level of debug message can be set using the #define VERBOSE_LEVEL. This is described in the file usb_common.h in the USBStack
directory. Note that a high level of debug messages can significantly slow down the system.
3.3.Host Application Software
To build the Microsoft Visual C++ Applications you will need to have the appropriate Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) and the
Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK) installed. These kits provide access to the library functions to access USB devices and are
available directly from Microsoft.
We have provided the links to the current locations for XP based downloads below however we cannot guarantee the suitability or accuracy
of these links. Both must be installed to be able to build the application, we suggest installing the SDK first.