Cooling curve cooling circuit mode
The cooling curve can be set at three points,
depending on the structural and location-related
conditions of the building:
Base point:
The base point corresponds to the minimum set
temperature of the cooling water at an outside tem-
perature of 20 °C. If the cooling is too cold at rela-
tively high outside temperatures (trans-seasonal
period), the base point should be set higher.
Standard inlet temperature:
The inlet temperature corresponds to the set tem-
perature of the cooling water at the standard out-
side temperature in the building location. If the
cooling is not warm enough at low outside temper-
atures, the inlet temperature should be increased.
Standard outside temperature:
The standard outside temperature is dependent on
the regional location of the building and must be
set according to the region.
Fig. 7: Cooling curve adjustment
1: Temperature of the cooling water in °C
2: Cooling curve, inlet temperature
3: Cooling curve, return flow
4: Outside temperature in °C
For optimal configuration of the cooling curve
parameters, the cooling load calculation and/or
energy consumption must be taken into account.
Differences between the installed parameters and
the design of the actual building can cause the
heat pump to run inefficiently.
Setting cooling curve:
1. Base point
In the "Settings" level, select the circuit to be
changed and the parameter "Cooling curve set-
ting". Change the value with "+/-" under the cooling
curve schematic and select the next value with
"Next". Then confirm with "OK".
User level
Expert level
e.g. unmixed cycle
Cooling curve adjustment
Setting the base point
REMKO Smart-Control Touch