8. Press the button to confirm the selection.
Activities scheduled for Monday are displayed. The last scheduled
activity of a day is active until the first activity of the next day. At
initial start-up, all weekdays have two standard activities; Home
starting at 6:00 and Sleep starting at 22:00.
9. Use the rotary knob to select the weekday you want to modify.
A Weekday
B Overview of scheduled activities
C List of actions
10. Perform the following actions, if necessary:
10.1. Edit the start time and/or activity of a scheduled activity.
10.2. Add a new activity.
10.3. Delete a scheduled activity (select the activity Delete).
10.4. Copy the scheduled activities of the weekday to other days.
10.5. Change the temperature linked to an activity.
11.6 Reading the installer's name and phone number
The installer can set his name and phone number in the control panel. You
can read this information when you want to contact the installer.
1. Press the button.
2. Press the button to confirm the selection.
3. Select System Settings
4. Press the button to confirm the selection.
5. Select Installer Details
6. Press the button to confirm the selection.
The installer’s name and phone number is shown.
11.7 Shut-down
Shut-down the boiler as follows:
1. Turn off the boiler using the on/off switch.
2. Shut off the gas supply.
3. Keep the installation frost-free.
Do not shut-down the boiler if the installation can't be kept frost-free.
11.8 Frost protection
Drain the boiler and central heating system if you are not going
to use your home or the building for a long time and there is a
chance of frost.
The frost protection does not work if the boiler is out of
The built-in boiler protection is only activated for the boiler and
not for the system and radiators.
Open the valves of all the radiators connected to the system.
Set the temperature control low, for example to 10°C.
If the temperature of the central heating water in the boiler drops too low,
the built-in boiler protection system is activated. This system works as
If the water temperature is lower than 7°C, the pump switches on.
If the water temperature is lower than 4°C, the boiler switches on.
If the water temperature is higher than 10℃, the burner shuts down and
the pump continues to run for a short time.
To prevent the system and radiators freezing in frost-sensitive areas (e.g.
a garage), a frost thermostat or, if feasible, an outdoor sensor can be
connected to the boiler.
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11 User instructions
7734324 - v.03 - 29092020