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Reizen Analog Radio-Controlled Talking Watch

Instruction Sheet


analog display with hour, minute, and sweeping second hand
automatic radio-controlled daily updating of the time, day of the week, and


automatic radio-controlled adjustment for daylight saving time
talking time, day of the week, date, alarm, chime, and instructions

Automatic radio-controlled updating is supported in the 48 states of the continental
United States, and in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan.  When your new
watch arrives, use the “Set global signal selection” function on page 3 to check and
correct the time zone, as necessary.  Then follow the instructions in the section
“Picking Up the Radio Signal” on page 5 so that your watch will update itself over
night.  A special note for Arizona residents is included on page 6.

Automatic functions are not supported in Alaska and Hawaii, unfortunately.  But
your watch’s time can be set manually for those two states and for other regions of
the world not supported.  The day of the week and the date cannot be set manually
and will not be reported correctly.

Names and Positions of Buttons

Primary Functions

Your watch has four primary functions, one for each of its four buttons.

Hear time

Press S1 to hear the hour and minute.

Hear date

Press S2 to hear the day of the week, and date.

Hear alarm status

Press S3 momentarily to hear these responses:

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“Alarm is off”, if the alarm is off.
The time of the next alarm, if the alarm is on.

Hear update status

Press S4 momentarily to hear these responses:

The country name followed by “time updated”, if the time, day of the week,

and date were updated by the radio signal in the past 24 hours.

The country name followed by “time not updated”, if the time, day of the

week, and date were not updated in the past 24 hours.

Secondary Functions

Your watch has seven secondary functions.

The first six are accessed with S4.  The seventh is accessed with S3.

To access the first six, press and hold S4 until “Set alarm.” is heard.  Then press S4
again and again to cycle through the six functions:

“Set alarm.”
“Alarm on/off”
“Chime on/off”
“Global signal selection, only when you visit these countries”
“Set time.”
“Second hand alignment”

Ignore the instruction “Press S3 to set.” that you will hear after the names of each
of the above six functions, until you hear the name of the function that you want.
Then press S3 to select that function.  Then follow the instructions given by the
watch.  The watch will exit the secondary functions after 10 seconds of inactivity.

Here are the instructions for activating each of the six functions, starting from the
first press of S4.

Set alarm

Press and hold S4 until you hear “Set alarm.”
Press S3 to set, that is, to select this function.
Press S1 to set the hour.  Press repeatedly to advance one hour with each

press.  Distinguish between a.m. and p.m.

Press S2 to set the minute.  Press repeatedly to advance one minute with each


Press S4 to confirm the alarm time selected.
