MWS_55_e.indb Page 54
Manual MWS 55 / MWS 88 / MWS 10 and Sensors 55
geändert am 26.10.2017 von DO
System- und Messelectronic GmbH
Fax: 08196/7005 and 1414 email:
6.4.2 Log-file in case of error (ErrLog.txt)
Softwareversions for sensors without logger same or newer than V2.26 write a log-file (
in case of errors (dataerrors or tranmission problems), in which the timepoint and kind of the error
is stored. Older versions displayed an error-message like
data error
, which was displayed
permanently until the user clicked it away. This caused the problem that no further data were
written for the time the message was visible although the error did not exist any longer.
In version same or newer V2.26 also an error message appears, but this message is deleted
automatically when the error is removed. In this case an entry is written into the log-file.
6.4.3 Logfile when starting up (log.dat)
When the software for weatherstations and sensors with logger is started, the communications
between the computer and the weatherstation is stored in a log-file (
). With this file you
may get important hints in case of problems.
This log-file is overwritten each time, when the software is restarted. To keep this file,
store it in another place or rename it.
6.4.4 Show output (internal)
In the software under
the software lists all communication with the
weather station since the programm was started. Also the commands sent within the terminal
window of the weather32 software will be listed.
This list you may copy into the clipboard to store it in a textfile for checking the communication
in cases of problems.