installation guidelines
Doc #70-00059-01-00
Proprietary Redline Communications © 2006
May 30, 2006
Page 25 of 38
Install IF Lightning Arrestors
Install two IF lightning arrestors in series with the IF cable.
The first IF lightning arrestor at the outdoor unit should be mounted on the antenna
mounting bracket. The equipment side of the lightning arrestor is connected to the IF
port on the outdoor unit using a small jumper cable. The surge side of the lightning
arrestor terminates the IF cable coming from indoor unit.
The second IF lightning arrestor should be installed at the point of entry to the
building. Terminate the IF cable coming from the tower to the surge side of the
arrestor, and terminate the IF cable coming from AN-100U indoor terminal to the
equipment side of the arrestor. Connect the ground terminal on the lightning protector
to the nearest building ground. If the grounding point is not near to the building, the
lightning arrestor can be connected at the back of the AN-100U indoor terminal
equipment and grounded to the nearest building ground point. The tower ground and
the building ground should be connected together.
Recommended Lightning Arrestors
If you have determined that it is appropriate to install lightning protection for your
system, Redline recommends the exclusive use of Polyphaser IF lightning arrestors,
one female-female N-Type bulkhead mount (104-1004T-A), and one female-male N-
Type in-line mount (104-1004T-B).
Figure 18: ODU Installation - N-Type In-Line and Bulkhead Mount Units
Figure 19: ODU Installation - Lightning Protector Mounting