Chapter 5 AN100U/UX Troubleshooting
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Step 4
Try to establish a telnet session with the subscriber unit.
Open a the Start Menu and select Run:
Start > Run
Enter the following command
Step 5
If this works, it is likely that there is a mis-configuration of the local IP address. Verify the
subscriber unit configuration using the following command:
show ipaddess
This will display the IP address of the selected device. Refer to the RedMAX AN100U/UX
Base Station User Guide for detailed information on using the CLI.
Remote Connectivity
If remote connectivity is not possible, verify the following:
Step 1
In order to manage the subscriber unit remotely, across the wireless link, the device must
be configured as a "managed SS". Doing this will require the installation of a DHCP server
and a ToD server, as specified in the 802.16-2004 standard.
If the subscriber unit is configured for remote management, then it requires a valid
response from both a DHCP server, and a ToD server specified in the DHCP lease it
received. If one or the other is not received properly, the subscriber unit will not complete
its network entry.
You can log into the subscriber unit locally and verify whether remote management is
enabled using the following commands:
Connect your computer directly to the subscriber unit.
Open the Start Menu and select Run:
Start > Run
Enter the following command
When the command prompt screen appears, login using the following values:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Enter the show command
show managedSS
Step 2
Verify that the subscriber unit has properly received its DHCP lease, and ToD response by
checking the event log. The appropriate message (i.e. DHCP timeout) will be entered into
the log if this is the case. See “Monitoring System Event Logs” on page 2-6.