Redline Management Suite Administration and Maintenance Guide
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
The sector controller will not generally report interference from any other sector controllers
that are synchronized with the clocking signal (local or GPS). However, if the configuration
parameters are not set correctly (for example two synchronized sector controllers use
different frame durations), then interference may be reported, as indicated above
Noise Floor Calculation
During Startup
At startup, if no interference is detected, the sector controller calculates the noise floor
during the one-second (20 receptions of 50 milliseconds each) interval of measurement
and reports this value in the event log. The noise level is the average of all 20
During Normal Operation
The noise floor is also updated during normal operation and displayed on the AN100U/UX
Status page.
Whenever there is more than one unused OFDM symbol in the uplink sub-frame, the
sector controller performs a noise measurement and then updates the average noise level
as follows.
The averaging formula used for noise level measurement is:
If Noise(N) < AvgNoise(N-1) then the following averaging calculation is used:
AvgNoise(N) = 0.7 * AvgNoise(N-1) + 0.3 * Noise(N)
If Noise(N) > AvgNoise(N-1) then the following averaging calculation is used:
AvgNoise(N) = 0.3 * AvgNoise(N-1) + 0.7 * Noise(N)
All the values in the formula are expressed in milliwatts, and then the result, AvgNoise(N)
is converted to dBm.