Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Event Log Scripts
Redline provides a set of scripts that can be used to parse the syslog output generated by
Redline’s AN100U/UX system.These scripts are available from the Redline Partner
In order to use these scripts on your computer you must install and configure Perl 5.10.
All of these scripts are based on the following format for the syslog files, unless indicated
If your source files are in another format you will need to either update the scripts or modify
the contents of the syslog files to obtain the desired results. Always retain the original files,
by making backup copies and storing them separately from the files on which you are
Script - scan.pl
This script provides a per-subscriber and per-sector summary of the de-registrations
recorded in the supplied syslog files.
This script supports both RedMAX 2.0 and 2.1 subscriber unit naming conventions (i.e.
MAC or subscriber unit name.
Example A-1
Syslog File Format
Dec 02 05:39:59 SC-5001-1 SS Deregistered: 00:09:02:03:DB:78 (rngRetries)