Beijing Reci Laser Technology Co., Ltd
User Guide for FSC1000, FSC1500
(5) The 24V remote start signal is connected to pins 3 and 4 in the rear panel 16
Sequence of operations
(1) Turn the front panel key switch to the REM side.
(2) Turn on the power switch at Rear panel of device. Wait for 30S to initialize
the device (It can also be closed and opened, controlled by an external switch)
(3) Turn on the 24V remote start signal, power on the laser power module, and
the red light indicator turns on.
(4) Set the optical power through the 0~10 analog signal.
(5) Turn on the 24V laser enable signal. (After 5 seconds, the remote start signal
can be set to enable the laser output power to be changed after the laser is enabled.)
(6) Fast switching optical modulation output by modulation signal. (The red
light indicator automatically turns off when laser is emitted, and turns on when laser
is off)
Chapter 5
Use of monitoring software
Connect 485 connecting wire to the 1
& the 2nd pin of Rear panel's
CTRL_INTERFACE (which has 16 pins). The 1st pin connects to the T/R+ port of
the wire, the 2nd pin connects to the T/R- port of the wire.