RealMan (Beijing) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Fig. 8-18 A tool coordinate system selection demo.
8.2.11 3D Simulation Model
The purpose of the robot simulation interface is to verify the program by the user
without the actual robot arm. Users can check whether the self-defined program of the
robot is reasonable and correct according to the simulation. In the simulation model,
users can change the dimension and direction by dragging the mouse (or touching the
tablet interface) according to the needs.
Fig. 8-19 The 3D simulation model.
8.2.12 Step Mode Setting
To increase the teaching accuracy, step control model is used, which can make the
controlled variable change accurately in the way of step.
First select the "Step Mode" box to activate the step mode.
The user can directly input the desired step size in the input box or adjust the
step size of the robot arm by clicking the buttons on the left and right sides of the
input box.
“Position”: Indicates the step size, in millimeters, that controls the movement
of the end position at the position control panel. Do not release the button during