RCA WRW4200S Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WRW4200S

Страница 1: ...ettings 6 Cycle Times 5 Deter ents Additives 10 11 Stain Removal Guide 13 storage and VacationTiPS 18 User Maintenance Instructions 18 Energy Saving Tips 6 Hard Water 10 WarrantY Back Cover Important Phone Numbers 19 Limestone Deposits 18 Loading the Washer 5 9 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Operating Instructions 5 6 Problem Solver 14 18 tise andCare of cYour Washer ...

Страница 2: ...tstoreorusegasoline or other Gmdatily cd yQ gassuppliertiom a flmable vapm andliquidsintheVicitity iei bor s phomc FQMOW thegassupplier s ofthisor anyotherapptiatice tictio T TODO YOUSMELLGAS e you fiotrmch yourgassup lier the fitie depa ent oDonottry tolightanyappfiance hstilation atidservice mustbeperfomed Donottouchanyelectri switch donot bj qwWled insWefj s rvice ag ncy or meanyphoneinyourbuil...

Страница 3: ... e9 turnon powersupply CirCUit toavoid el ctfica Ver a v a12 otwat ifauce a qdtiow b torunfor onnect toadequate plumbing tid dr h s v rdl mintitesbifo y bg anyelectrical facilities asdescribed intheInstallation Instructions 4 appliince wK c b cognec ed totbehotwater syst lThis will allowanyhydrogen gasto ksCap Sin gthe gasis fiamrnablq donot 5 oke of u e anopenflameor appliance eTurnoffwaterfaucet...

Страница 4: ...y process canreduce Keeptheflooraround yourappliances cleanand d toreduce tie possibility ofslipping theflameRtardansy offabrics To avoid suchaxesult tie garment oTo fize thep sibili ofele ti mW fa eg s me s ctions shock unplug thisapptianee fromthe should befollowed veryCMCfi y powersupply before tittempting any mtitentice orcleaning exe pt the For Wmherop ration removal an cleanifig tifthe nt fi...

Страница 5: ...ngcanbe changedatanytime sorting andLoading Sortclothescarefullybyfabrictype weight color eLoadclothesintowashbasket beingcarefulnot and amountof soil accordingto instructionsin How to overload SeeHowto LoadYourWashersection to SortClothessection eForinformation onhowto usebleachesandfabric Addmeasuredamountof detergent SeeDetergents softeners seeOtherLaundryProductssection sectionforinformationon...

Страница 6: ...yrewash of therinsedoesnotaffectcleaning them and thatmeansyou llwasteenergy Rememberto sortyourclothescarefully and load Washin off peakutilityhours Yourlocalutility themproperly selectcorrectcycles use enough can tellyouwhichare theoff peakhours detergentandchoosea water temperature warm oUseyourwasher sNormalSpin Thiswillremove enough to release and get rid of soil morewaterduringspin whichwill...

Страница 7: ...thergarments Odordisappearswhengarmentis dry Treatheavilysoiled areaswithliquiddetergentor a pastemadeof waterandpowdereddetergent Closezippers Wash2 or 3 garmentsat a timeor addtowelsto balance GA ENT MUSTBETUMBLED D Pillows Blankets Pillowsare madeof differentmaterials dacron foam polyester naturalfeather anddown MANUFACTU R S CAM LABELSMUSTBEFOLLOWED CAREFULLY If washingis recommended checkpill...

Страница 8: ...r a Emptypockets brushout cuffs Settingssectionforinstructions preliminarystepto a completewash zipzippers andfastensnaps SeeStainRemovalGuide cycle Fordetailedinformationon hooksandbuttons howto soakin yourwasher see SeeFabricandCycle HowtoUsethe SoakCycle Do anynecessarymending rips Settingsguide hems tears FOR FOMATION ON SeeTheProblemSolversection SOAKINGAGENTS see Other 0Checkallitemsfor area...

Страница 9: ...eitems like towels DO NOTOVERLOADYOUR WAS R Tryto mix largeandsmallitems in ach machi eloadforbetter washingaction eWashlargeitems blankets bed spreads mattresspads etc separately eIf machineis overloaded you mayexperienceoversudsingor outofbalanceconditions To AddItemsAftertheWasherHasStarted Turnoffthe washerby pushingin the Cycle NOTE Whenwashingstockings pantyhoseand Selectorknob othereasilyta...

Страница 10: ...ntto the washbasketbeforeloading clothes If youloadyourclothes first adddetergentnextto the agitator mm WATER DOYOUmm IT Beforeyoucan decidewhatto do abouthard water youneedto knowif youhaveit and if so howhardit is If you livein a municipalarea contactyour watercompany eIf you livein a ruralarea or in somesuburbanareas contactyourcountyagent Theanswerwillbe youhave somanygrains per gallon 3 8lite...

Страница 11: ...r undilutedliquidchlorinebleachdirectlyintowasher or ondryclothes 2 Someof today swashablefidbrics shouldnotbechlorine bleachedsuchas silk wool spandex or non fastcolors 3 Checkmanufacturers carelabelsforspecialinstructions 1 Maybe usedonmostfabrics Testfabricfirst 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyandsoft 2 Reducesstaticelectricity 3 Usethefollowingmanufacturer s direction Toomuch maycausea hard roughfeeli...

Страница 12: ...ithonegallon 3 8liters ofcool water approximately 80 F 27 C ina sinkorpan Soakstainedarea for5 minutesandlaunderin washer TheCaseof the661nvisibIe 3 Stain Foodorcookingoilsonyoursyntheticgarments maycausestainswhicharevirtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeasyouputyourclothes intothewasher If thesestainsarenotcompletelyremovedin thewash theoilyspotsmaypickupdirtfromthewashwater Thentheywillbeco...

Страница 13: ...bleach FreshFruit FruitJuices Wine Vegetables orFood Coloring Soakstainincoolwater If stainremains bleachaccordingto theStainRemoval Hint launder Applyundiluted liquiddetergent Launder Treatmildewspots whiletheyarefresh beforemoldhasachancetoweakenfabric Ifeithertypestainremains bleachaccording totheStainRemoval Hint launder Severescorchcannotberemoved Sponge withwarmwater Applyundihited liquiddet...

Страница 14: ...iesaddingto washcycle SeeOtherLaundryProductssection ePillingusuallyonpolyester cotton blendsis causedby normalwearandmaylook likelint Turningclothesinside outmayprovidesomehelp Staticelectricitycausedby overdryingwillcauseattraction Usefabricsoftenerin rinsecycle Theseare sometimescalled Invisible Stains becauseyoumaynotnoticethembefore washingclothes However if oilysoilsarenot completelyremovedi...

Страница 15: ...irtorpillowcase If theyarewhiteandcenteris yellow it containsbodyoil Restorewhitenessfollowingproceduresin GrayedClothes above oChlorinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresinfinishes Useoxygenbleach such asClorox2 brand Referto garmentmanufacturer s careinstructions Restorecolor usingcolorremover suchasRitorTintexbrands followingpackagedirections e onor manganesein watermaycauseoverallyellowingoryell...

Страница 16: ...ermanentpressloadsshouldalwaysbe smallerthan regularloads nomorethanmediumloadsto giveclothesroomto movefreely o Incorrectwashanddry cycles UsePermanentPressWashcyclewhichprovides a cooldownrinseto minimizeWritiing AlsousePermanentPressDry cycle kcorrect waterlevel Use largerwaterlevelfor mediumload mediumlevelfor smallload eRepeatedwashingin toohot water Washin coldor warmwaterwithplentyof deterg...

Страница 17: ...tsweakenedby age sunor atmosphere Thisis inevitableandis notcaused by washer s Overloadingor underloadingwasherfor selectedwaterlevel Loadwasheronly withnumberof itemsthatwillmovefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel Pretreatwithliquiddetergent Seeother LaundryProductssection eMakesurecordis pluggedintooutlet o Makesurebothhot andcoldfaucetsareturnedon s MakesurecontrolsaresetandCycleSelectorknobis pulle...

Страница 18: ...d andrestart Washernormallypausesbetweenwashingsteps such asbetweenwashandspinor betweenspin d rinse E you needmorehelp cati toBl free GE AnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformation sertice CA Am CLEANmG USER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS The b Theporcelainis self cleaning Leavelid ToStoreWasher Ask servicetechnicianto remove openafterwashingto allowmoistureto evaporate waterfromdrainpumpandhosestopr...

Страница 19: ...al teletypewriter may call 800 TDD GEAC 800 833 4322 to request information or service You can have the securefeelingthatGEConsumerServicewillstillbe there after your RCA product warranty expires Purchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you ll receive a substantial discount With a multiple year contract you re assured of future service at today s prices hditidu qutified to...

Страница 20: ...SUMER SERWCE a leaderintheservice industry tofulfillyourserviceneeds Shouldyour appliance needservice dtig warranty periodor beyond call800 GE C_S 800 432 2737 WAT Is NOT COVERED Servicetripstoyourhometoteachyouhowto usetheproduct ReadyourUseandCarematerial If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or Manager Consumer Affairs RC AAppliances Appliance Par...
