RCA ProScan PS35153 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание ProScan PS35153

Страница 1: ...n ing Channel Memory _ Adding ard Erasing Channels Setting up VCR Channels Ch_mglng Antenna Inpat Setting up Cable Box Channel Progr_mrr ing Remote to Control VCR_ Programming Remote Io Control Audio Connections 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 48 Home Antenna Connecttons Cable TV Connections Programming Remote to Control Ca01e Box Cable TV Information and hamml Chart VCR Connecuonb Camcorder Connections Ampl...

Страница 2: ...imple If you want all the benefits of the latest technology without the complexity we have a very simple solution It s called ProScan State of the art technology that real people can use Thank you for choosing ProScan And welcome to our company wide commitment to your complete satisfaction and viewing enjoymem ...

Страница 3: ...y equipment or accessories connected to this product bears the UL listing mark or if purchased and used in Canada the CSA certification mark If in doubt contact qualified service personnel FCC Regulations state that unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment may void the user s authority to operate 1L This reminder is provided to call your attention to A ticle 820 40 of the National E...

Страница 4: ...rches for and stores all active channels Eliminates the need ff_r manual set up For details see page 20 Frequent Synthesis Tuning automatically and accurately tunes each channcl Automatic VCR Setup with the push of a button your TV is ready for VCR play both TV and V R turn on and TV tunes to correct channel input l or details seepage2 Automatic Cable Box Setup offers convenience when cable compan...

Страница 5: ...he TV from being ippo l over accidentlv or pulled off the stand ipl ing the 1 V over t r pulling it off the stan d could cause hoih d ill ap c I the set and personal ii jtu 3 Connect antenna or cable TV system 8ae_ ol rV ca Bf auten_ _ _ 4 Jr itl C_t h _ S_st Most antenna or cable TV systems can be connected as shown here I tails ft c m c i t c_ a t nd anl_ nna to wmr TV ard on Fag T l miL_ Jbr om...

Страница 6: ...the correct minute The correct time viii now appear on the screen whenever you change channels or press the DISPLAY button Note It po cr is interrupted for 111 cxlcndcd timc VOtl viii nccd to rcscl Ihc clock 10 Review menus 1 1 osec the xidco menu repeatedly press MENU _ulloll to select VIDEO MENUand then press I tcl C tledly press MENU 10 select desired fllnction and then press or to adjust it De...

Страница 7: ...the master rcmote to control olticr componenls you may have 1o rcprogranl the c dc numbers when you change haUcricx r zl_l lo prcs IIIV buttons while charlging halicries x _ 1 plcicc dll hillg Ileal 11 till3 oflhc IvHI OtL L t llllt l or 1_1 il up Jdc ch_ _n I hb ma a ccidcntall clcpic lhc I tilh q for a long tilnc _uld di ch trgc the batteries 1 o I_ol mix n _ llld tlSt tl batteries oi diflcrcnl ...

Страница 8: ... control a different component first press its component button VCRI VCR2 LD I SS ABI I2 A UDIO or TV and then press the desired function button Nole Not all components have functions that can bc controlled bv these btltlOllS but ou can experiment with your particular models to discover exactly which btlltolls will control it The TV button automatically controls your TV no additional programmi W i...

Страница 9: ...nd to its mhlimum level without affccling the picture This is xerv useful during telephone calls or other interruptions When sound is muted the word MUTEwill appear on the screen To rcslorc sound press MUTEagain or press VOLUME up 49 CHANNEL BUTTONS Press CHANNEL up to See the next higher channel in emery or press CHANNEL down lo see the next lower channel in memory hannels 2 tllrou _h13 al id 91 ...

Страница 10: ...appear from the screen and the TV viii stay tuned to the channel it was on when you pressed CLEAR PREV CH PREVIOUS CHANNEL BUT ON Pressing the PREY CHbutton causes the TV to change back to the last tuned channel To operate select the first channel you want to watch Then select the other channel by pressing two number buttons The TV will now change back and forth between the two ch mnels each time ...

Страница 11: ...hanging Channels PIP To change channels on the pic urc from the TV press the TV bur on on the remote and then prt ss either th CHANNELLip or clown button or two number bu tons PicturefromTV 3 Pros the PiP button on the retnotc A little picture will appear on the screen Thc little picture and the big picturc _ ill be the same To change channels on the piclure coming from the VCR pre s the vcm or VC...

Страница 12: ...in l Ic TV nl _dc 1 li PIP Buttons What they do when TV is in PIP mode ZOOMIN ZOOM OUT SWAP FREEZE A A Press and hold one of the four MOVE arrow kevs to move the small picture in that direction Repeatedly press ZOOMINto enlarge the small picture Five sizes arc available Repeatedly press ZOOM OUTto reduce the size of the small picture back to the smallest size Press SWAP to switch lhe small picture...

Страница 13: ...using the ZOOMIN t cature you will scc a mosaic patlcHl as the picture is made larger To select one of the channels being displayed inthe channel guide press the two corresponding number buttons for that channel i_ote Channels 2 13 and 91 were programmed into the Channel Scan Memory at the factory These are the channels that _ilI appcar during clanncfgiddc unless you autoprogram the chaimcl memory...

Страница 14: ...ent to attach a set of headphone with cparatc volume control and enjoy a program u ith others m the atilt rt t m tiMenlng at a Iov er ohlmc _oil cail al o cnioy private h tening it de ired Here he ttl completely mute tile ound except for what coming through tile headt honc_ 1 Change the SPEAKERS ON OFF function to the OFF setting as ddscrg_rd on page 3 2 It an opllonal amplifier is connected to th...

Страница 15: ...ction again simply press the or button on the remote control The last function you adjusted will reappear on the TV screen SHARPNESS adjusts picture sharpness Press to increase sharpness or press to decrease s larpness PICTURE RESET lets you quickly change all the video functions shown above back to the factory settings Press either or to reset the video functions Custom Picture Memoryfor InputCha...

Страница 16: ...pr0duce either monaural or stereo audio whichever is broadcast l etailx about stereo and SAP are on pa ge 16 The SURROUND fnncti m lets you cho se one of five types of surround sound modes OFF DOLB MATRIX HALL or STADIUM l etail_ ar_ on pa e 1 _ 10 The REAR VOLUME display lets you ad iust the volume level of external surround speakers that are connected to the SURROUND SPEAKER jacks on the back of...

Страница 17: ...he vstem or room reproduces the nlusic Most comtnon problems are dull and live rooms that have too little or too much treble and live rooms of certain sizes that have standing waves thatboorn Experimentarion can help lind the nearest band to correct such problems A room with a _ofa and many drapes for example might benefit from increasing the 4 5 kHz and t0 kHz bands Live rooms with wood floors an...

Страница 18: ... and most instruments Increasing this control can help proiect these ound or make a vocalist easier to understand Reducing it can soften strident music 2 kHz Strongly affects the harmonics overtones of voices and some instruments This frequency is most eas dy heard by the ear Increasing this control will project m r t in_ trumcnt _ and vocal reducing it help _ control bri lance and allo _s m_rc tl...

Страница 19: ... nu t tc the uhanncl nut lbct _ hcil stcreo audio i being received If SAP audio is also avail able our TV ill disphty an ask risk after the _ ord STEREO STEREO _tiu can then h tcn to the SAP audio b _ cha tging the STERI_ O SAP function to its SAP setting as explained below Although SAP audio is transmitted with the stereo signal it is not broadcast in stereo That means the SAP audio will be monat...

Страница 20: ...e TV Notes The ExpandedStereofeaturewill haveno effectunless the pro gram s broadca tIn _tcrct When the E q_ lnded Stereo fcdiure is turncd on _ omc qt lt lld _ ill b_ hc trd I onl c t_ h spcdkcl r_ g rdlc s el the BALANCE control cuing Resettingthe Audio Functionta Hear ExpandedStereo with or without remote I Press the MENU button repeatedly to select the AUDIO MENU lndthen p_c to di pl L_the aud...

Страница 21: ...he speakers connected to the EXTERNAL SPEAKERSterminals You can also connect the SURR OUT iacks_ nthc back of tile TV to an amplifier with its ov nsetof speakers to replace thc speakers connected to the SURROUND SPEAK ERS lerminals lJetails are on t a cs 4 49 Beginlistening to the programyou want to enjoy in sur roundsound It may bc a TV program or an cxtcrnal sourcc VCR ctc Stereo programs give t...

Страница 22: ... SURR BAL tO minimize the xoiccs To adju 4 the _urround balancc _elcct SURR BAL ill the audio nlcDU Pro ol to adjust it Try to minimize the actor n voice dialog If you are _lowing a concert or other program that is prc dotninanth mu dc tr to minimize the singer voice and make thc rear bound Is di qant and ccho x as possible Note TIle first tune tile or button _ prc cd the hont ound v Ill tcmpor ud...

Страница 23: ...l CICOtthe channel between 1 and qq that _ oti want to loci out First select the chdllilt ilUlllbc r t l_l lilt it hick ou nd thcI1 pro _r to change thi hlnctltiil rom NORMAL it LOCKED _v h n the PARENTAL CONTROL function is sot to O 4 the channels tiLl locked _ ltil this functioi calluot be viewed lit fallS a L opt l_a k _ 2 _ AUTOPROGRAM conln ai1O the 1V to lut_mlaticall cxtic through all ciual...

Страница 24: ...n a you watch TV Notes Closed apttonmg 15not avadable on all channels at all times Only petit it prograrr _ encoded with Clo_ed Captioning information CC are apphcable When CAPTIONS I is a allable the v ord Capttoned appears on the screen _ hen you change chanrel or pres_ theTV or DISPLAY butmn_ on the remote The word aptt lP cd k _ not appc tr t tell _ _u if CAPTIONS 2 or Lither Tc t llltldc is i...

Страница 25: ...crea c the time 311nllnutes up to our hours Then the time display will start over with 0 00 The dlllOlllll ot tllllC rCllldLlll l_ he ore the J _ Ill_It _ I clJ tl t Ill appear in th SLEEP I ME R nlenu _ hone cr t u prc s tile MENUbu_ton to select lhe SETUPMENUand then press Captioning Off I_ _J z zZiln t zml_J _ 1 hour and Set Alarm 28 minutes Chan Label Parental Ctrl Off remaining 6 When the Sle...

Страница 26: ...Off 3 When the first ALARM lullctlon I selected prc ing or v dl switch the setting between ON and OFF Set thi functi n I _ ON _I you want to acti atc the alarm When this function is On Time Dlsabted Off Time Disabled Channel 12 ct tO OFF the akron 1 _ deactixatcd and the IV wdl not turn on or off b_ itself Note It SETCLOCK p de pla d next to ALARM on _ dl need to ct the clock ItlllC bemrc ou atll ...

Страница 27: ...r 0 30 Set Alarm Parental Ctrt Off mill Select the channel number you want to label b pre qng the CHANNEL up or down button IO by pres_qng two number bunons 10 52 07 Illl T Captioning Off Sleep Timer 0 00 Set Alarm Parental Ctrt Off Press and hold the VOLUMEup r down button on the remote control until the Idler or chara_ ter _ ou want aFpears on the sc_een Pre smg VOLUME up sequences through the c...

Страница 28: ...Repeatedly press MENU to select the PARENTAL CTRL function Mute Video Menu Audio Menu I _1 i IT ilN _ A _ a p 3 To lock out channel pre s Ihe MENUbuttor to select the CHAN CTRL function Sleep T_mer 0 00 Set Alarm Chan Label Parental Ctrlo On Select a channel yotLwant to lock out b_ pr 2ssing CHANNEL up or down Then press or The CHAN CTRLsetting vnll change tram NORMAL 10 tO KED when that channel i...

Страница 29: ...TV to your sct 2 Pepeatedly press the MENUbutton to select SETUP MENU _nd press to display the setup functions lVlute Video Menu ALamOMenu L_i _i _1 l I I 3 P epeatedly press the MENU button until the AUTOPROGRAM menu is selected When the TV finishes cycling _Ot can check whi h channels are in memory by pressir g the CHANNEL ap or down button Your sel will stop o a each of the channels in memory Y...

Страница 30: ...ant to add Then press 4 Repeat step 3 for each channel you want to erase or add Note The menu will automatically disappear from the screen a few seconds after you have finished erasing or adding channels You can make it disappear more quickly by pressing the CLEAnbutton on the remote control AddingVideo InputChannelsto ChannelMemory with or withoutremote As an added convenience you can also add vi...

Страница 31: ...te Video Menu Audio Menu IG I_RITiI _ a i 2 Repeatedly press MENUtO select the VCRqCHANfunction 7 57 PM 13 Autoprogram Chan Mern Stored Antenna A Cable Air Cable I _e_ JD _ u_e i I I Enter the channel number you wanl to program by pressing two number buttons tin the remote control The channel number you enter is the channel to v hich the TV will tune automatically when you later press the VCR_butt...

Страница 32: ...or each _ II l_ I ChangingAntenna Input with remote 1 Press the ANTENNA button on the remote control to switch from ANTA input to ANTBinput The color of the channel numbers will change from blue to yellow to let you know you are now watching whatever signal is connected to the ANT B connector on the back of the TV 21 blue for ANT A yellow for ANT B ChangingAntenna Input without remote 1 Repeatedly...

Страница 33: ...will also automatically tune the TV to the proper channel for viewing the picture from the cable box Setting Up Cable Box Channel with or without remote 1 Repeatcdl press the MENU button to select SETUP MENU and then press to display the el Jp functions Mute Video Menu Audio Menu I_ i_llll i kf _ I 1 2 Repeatedl press MENU to sek ct the CABLE CHANfunction 8 27PM 13 Antenna A Cable Air Cable VCR I ...

Страница 34: ...hat Control ProScan VCRs POWER BUT ON Press to turn off VCR PLAY BUFrON Press to start tape playing R_VIND BUII ONPress while VCR is stopped to rewind tape Press while VCR is playing to search backward In VCR2 LD mode this button backward scans a laserdisk RECORDBUTTON Press to record It is not necessary to press PLAY and RECORD DISPLAY BuTr0N Press to display VCR s on screen messages NUMBER BUTTO...

Страница 35: ...els on the VCR press VCR1 or Yen2 then CHANNEL up or down This remote will control the basic functions of compatible VCRs It will not be able to control the advanced functions of all brands of VCRs You may have to reprogTam your remote if you change its batteries Notes About Controlling Two VCRs This remote can control two VCRs independently as long as each VCR operates on a different remote trans...

Страница 36: ...r buttons to enter the code number for your brand of audio equipment 3 Point the remote at the audio equipment and press the _ UDIO button to test the code number If the right number was entered the audio equipment will turn on The POWER button will turn the device off Operating Notes At_ter the AUDIO button is programmed tile buttor_s described on the next page will operate the _a_ic functions of...

Страница 37: ...t playing REWIND Bu rON Press while component is stopped to rewind tape RECORD BUTTON Press to start recording NUMBER BuI rONS Press two numbers to select a channel directly AUDIO BU TON Press this button to turn on the audio component and pat remote in Audio Mode so other buttons will control Ihe audio component Press the TV butto a to put remote back into TV mode FAST FORVVARDBUTTON Press while ...

Страница 38: ...ill be labeled ei her switched or unswitched If the outlet is labeled switched that means power to the outlet will be swilched off v hen the component s power button is switched off If the outlet is labeled unswitched that means power will always be available at that outlet even when fine component is turned off Depending on the size of your system you may prefer to use an extension cord or a mult...

Страница 39: ...fiixed level audio and video output fronl whatever is li_phtyed on the TV screen except signal from S VIDEO connector P ovidc standard audio and video signals suitable for recording Can be used for several applicat or s such as VCR editing with two or three VCRs page 44 Recording TV programs onto a camcorcler page 4 5 Recording cablc TV programs onto a VCR that is not cable ready page 44 Recording...

Страница 40: ... 2 JACKS provide for direct connection of video devices like VCRs camcorders and laser disc players or compatible home computers and TV _ames with video audio outputsl To see the signals from a device connected to the INPUT 2jacks select TV channel 92 S VIDEO CONNECTOR provides for direct S VI tS video connection from S VHS VCR or camcorder Remember to also connect the S VHS VCRs or camcorder s au...

Страница 41: ... ANTA jAdapter supplied __ such as 193983 ccNVERTER C If your home antenna cable s are a 75 ohm round coaxial cable that carries VHF channels 2 11 i and a 300 ohm flat twin lead cable for UHF Channels 14 60 connect it to your set like this Incoming Cables from Home _ntenna s Back of TV _ _ _ _ CABLE ANTENNA and _NTB VHF _ _ CO WERT R _ If the antenna cables coming from your home antenna s are two ...

Страница 42: ...ecoder box that cannot bc controlled by remote control Scrambled Cable TV Channels Some cable TV decoders require that you manually switch from regular to scrambled channels on the decoder whenever you wish to view the premium pay channels By connecting Ihe decoder to the ANTA input and CONVERTER output on your TV and leaving the decoder box set to the scrambled channel you can switch between tlhe...

Страница 43: ...ng the ANTBsignals The cable TV channels that are not scrambled can then be s_ en whenever the TV is receiving the ANTA signals The c It_Io TVchannels that are scrambled can then be seen thru the ct nvertel box add then thru the VCR whcnc _cr the I V is receiving the ANTBsignals Most VCRs ill feed the signal thru their antenna lacks even when the VCR is turned off This allows YeLlto watch scramble...

Страница 44: ...n on Ihc c ablc box hy prcssin the DSS CABLE buttonl then RowEa You can change channels on the cable box by pressing the CHANNEL buttonk wh _ ncvcr the remote is in the cable mode lo put the rciliotc ill the cable mode press the CABLE buttOn Press the Iv button to put the remote back into the TV mode s _ the remote buttons will control the TV lgain ProgrammingRemoteToControlCable Box with remote o...

Страница 45: ...t cable companie nl l require Ilk tl e t f t decoder with their cable TV glen1 on nll Ollr c llqc COlllD iII or local de llcr for delail _ Scrambled Cable TV Channels Some cdblc conipanics ottci prcnnum pay channels In which the ign il i_ _cramtqed De crambling the _o dgnaN h I fl_llHl ij ic I11_ Icqtllic Ilk tl L Ol d dcxcl II111 jcl device cable box which is generally provided by the cable ompan...

Страница 46: ... you connect a second audio video device to INPUT 2 select TV channel 92 to view whatever the second device is playing Note You can program your TV to automatically select the proper VCR input channel 91 or 92 when you press the VCR1or VCR2 LDbutton Details are on page 21 Simplified Method Shown here is a simplified method of connecting a VCR to your TV This method is best for areas with poor sign...

Страница 47: ...al from a device connected to the INPUT jacks select channel 91 Sel ect channel 92 to see the signal from a device connected to the NPUT 2jacks Note Signals from the s v DEe coJmector do not come through the SELECT OUT lacks To recordfrom m S VHScomponent rememberto also connectIhcregular vidct c_blc1oIheVIDEO INPUT 1jack andthen tuneto channc t 91 Menus video audio setup disphtys like clock andch...

Страница 48: ...ign from the camcorder S VHS or StandardVHS Camcorder This connection allows you to record onto the camcorder whatever is currently being displayed on the TV screen You ll also be able to record signals from a VCR or similar device that is connected to the TV s INPUT 1or INPUT 2jacks The TV must remain turned on durinu recordine If you change channels on the TV the channel change will bc recorded ...

Страница 49: ... AMPL FIER Audio Cassette Recorder orAmplifier If vour amplifier is part of a system that has its own remote control connect it to the SELECT OUTjacks as shown 11_2 r C The fixed level audio signal present at these jacks is also ideal for connecting an audio cassette recorder to record audio from the TV This constant audio signal is not affected by pressing the V qumc hutto on the TV s front panel...

Страница 50: ...OI I UC OIIC soL OI S I ItlLIIIL1 btlcakclb LO Lilt TV and another set OIsurround speakers to an atE plificr flint is connecled to the TV s SURR OUTAUDIO iacks Operation Turn on the surround sound as described on page 18 If SURROUND is in the OFFposition ou will get no audio out of the SURROUTjacks Adjust the REAR VOLdisplay to mid range pagc 181 Adjusl the amplifier so that the surround audio is ...

Страница 51: ...the SPEAKERS ON OFF menu display a s de crihed on pa_e 13 Setting this display to OFFwill turn off the TV s internal speakers and any speakers connected to lhc EXTERNAL SPEAKERS tcrnfinals Speakers connected to llic SURROUND SPEAKERS terminals will rentain on so youll bc able Io CFC lit qlfrot fld souI d cl tccls hell using the amplifier Connecting Speakers to Back otAmplifier or Receiver If you c...

Страница 52: ... core to protrude from its terminal or contact other wires or terminals If the cores of two v ircs touch each other damagc to components could result General RecommendedSpeaker Placement for BestSurroundSound Dclail _ arc on t agcs IS I_ EXTERNAl SPEAKERSTerminals Back of Right Speaker ccr IXTERNAL PEAKERS R alt k l tl I t _ SPEAKER Back of Left Speaker SBRROUNOSPEAKERS Terminals _ URROUND PEAKERS...

Страница 53: ...s correctly Turns off while playing SLEEP TIMER function may haxc bccn activated ALARMOFFfunction may have been aclivalcd 5O l Jcctrtmic ptc tcction circuit mav have bccn activated lCCaUSC O1 t pt _ _ cr surge Vail 3 1 seconds and then turn on again If this happens frequenlly thevollage in y mr house may bc abnormally high Make sure power cord is fully inserted into back of TV Turns on unexpectedl...

Страница 54: ...come through ANTA or B connecior and the other channel must come through the INPUT 1or 2jacks If using the vcm or vcR2button make sure it is programmed to select the proper video input channel as described on page 24 Check position of TV VCR switch on VCR If using an S VHS component make sure its regular VIDEO cable is connected to INPUT 1 VIDEO jack on I M No picture while using picture in pictur...

Страница 55: ...not cover Customer instruction Your Owner s Manual clearly describes how to install adjust and operate your television Any additional information should be obtained from your dealer Installation and related adjustments Signal reception problems not caused by your television Damage from misuse or neglect Remote control batteries A television that has been modified or incorporated into other product...

Страница 56: ...eries Litter l itc RK R3Dand CRK I I i titally encoded inlr lre 1 lignl CRK83D 4 AAA Size I IKo IA 2 AA _ c tJne _I C II ill Noim ll c Power rd l e SJT 2 RF Specifications Tuning S stem Type Band Coverage Frequency overage Tuner Type el annel Access CL annel Indication Antenna Inputs Sensitivitv Quartz controlled Mcdtiband Frequency S3 nthcsis V1 IF channels 2 6 7 13 U IF Channels 14 69 El Cable C...

Страница 57: ...nitor panel arc color coded fl r ea_e of use The VIDEO jacks are vellow the right AUDIO jacks arc red and the left AUDIO jacks are white When connecting components to each other be sure that you always connect left outputs to left inputs and right outputs to right inputs If a component has only one output monoh connecril to the R MONO INPUT jack _I_ connect S VI tS Super VHS components an S VHS vi...

Страница 58: ...n TV Models scrip ion Pair No Prkc Qty S_gnal Spiiucr AItU47 3 9t__2_ Mid I ippcd lltcl N4 tlil_ l il All _ S I J J Gold Tipped Antenna Cable t0 it EH066G 8 99 i 1 i_dd Iil_pcd udiu _ _clt c_ ab c 3 Iti l O _u 5 uO Gold Tipped Audio Video Cable 15 I ll Att07 IG 7 90 _ Gold Tipped S ereo A adio Cable 3 t AH072G 8 99 old 1 pod l ul_bine able h ftl tlt 7q i 7 1000 Gold Tipped Dubbing Cable O fl Screw...

Страница 59: ...for accessory items listed on this order form I 800 338 0376 Most times _rc ur order will be hipped UPS within 72 hours of rcceipt If ever it is not possible to ship within 30 days we will notfy you with an update on v 3ur order and an option to cancel To place your ardor by mail detach and nrai the completed order form with credit card information money order or check in U S currency made payable...

Страница 60: ... press When this function is set to ON all chennels that nave been LOCKED out with the next function called CHANCTRLwill not be viewable To lock out channels select the CHANCTRLfunction Then press CHANt ELup or down to select the chann l and press to change the setting from NOR_ t_Lto LOCKED Details are on page 18 To start autoprogramrtuqg press Tht TV will aut matically cycle _hrough all channels...

Страница 61: ...t speaker To prepare the TV to receive stere 3 press to set funcuon to STEREO Your TV _ ill automatically lq roduee stereo when rec qved To select a SURROUND mode press to change arrtong OFF DOLBY MA1 RIX HALL and STADIUM To adjust REAR VOLUME of extern d speakers press ol To adjust SURROUND BALANCE p ress or If you want the TV to automatical y expand stereo sign ds when received pres _ to set the...

Страница 62: ...ons 2 4 6 Programming Remote 1 _ 1 4 l CHANNEL Functmn 28 REAR VOLUME D_splay 13 18 Channel Labehng 24 RECORD Button 31 Channel Memor 3 _ z Remote Theor_ 5 Channel Number Display 1l Remote VCR Controll 31 Channels Cable Chart 42 Ren tote Control Sensor 11 Channels 90 ql 92 20 36 37 4 I Remote Slmphfled 4 Channels Abo e q9 42 Replacing Battcrie 4 Cleamng and Caxe 53 REWINDButton 31 CLEAR Button 7 S...

Страница 63: ...the instructions below Si un livret d instructions en fran_ais n est pas inclus avec votre appareil vous pouvez en obtenir un indiquer le numdro de modble votre nom et votre adresse en vous adressant _ Thomson f_lectronique Grand Public du Canada Service des donndes techniques 6540 Tomken Rd Mississauga Ontario L5T 2E9 An RCA Entertainment Product Thomson Consumer Electronics 600 N Sherman Dr PO B...
