The Menu system
The Options menu lets you set up preferences for the look and feel of
the system as well as understand how some of the features work.
The Options menu lets you customize many system
The following sections explain your options when changing your
personal preferences. Follow the on-screen instructions to make changes
to the system.
Interactive Setup
If you self-installed your satellite dish antenna, you may have already
used the interactive setup to find the dish pointing coordinates, acquire
and fine-tune the signal, and run a system test. If you just want to check
your dish pointing coordinates or run the signal strength meter, select
Dish Pointing from the Main menu.
System Info
Select System Info from the Options menu to choose from a list of on-
line Help topics. Point and select to find out about the specific parts of
the DIRECTV System.
Program Guide
Shows a screen-by-screen overview of the Program
Guide features.
Menu System
Shows a screen-by-screen overview of the DIRECTV
System menus.
Remote Control
Shows a descriptive list of the remote control
Front Panel
Shows a list of the digital satellite receiver’s front (top)
panel features. Point to an item to see a brief description.
Back Panel
Shows a list of the digital satellite receiver’s back panel
features. Point to an item to see a brief description.
Shows a list of common DIRECTV System and TV terms. Point
to a glossary item to see a brief description.
Note that if your DIRECTV System is not
equipped with Dolby Digital capability,
Dolby Digital will not be one of the items
in the Options menu.