A Troubleshooting
At powering on, the Micro Junior 2 internal calibration and check sequence is performed.
Upon completion of the check sequence the test set will proceed to the “Range Selection“ Screen.
Should there be any problem with the test set an error message will appear.
A.1 System does not dislpay anything
1. Check the display for any Initialization.
2. Plug the test set into a main power outlet to check to see if the battery is completely
3. Contrast is set too low.
A.2 System powers on but the display fades out or blinks
1. Check the battery charge.
A.3 Test Current cannot be Turned on
1. Does the unit have an external safety switch incorporated? Is it properly operating?
2. Is the system connected in an area with excessive interference?
A.4 Warning Rx too high or "+++.+" is dispayed
1. A warning message,”Rx Too High” or “+++.+” will be displayed if the resistance being
measured is too high for the range selected.
2. The current leads total resistance has exceeded the current capability of the instrument.
Reduce the current lead length or increase the wire gauge of the current lead used.
A.5 The display Blacklight goes out frequently
1. As the battery charge decrease the display backlight will go out more frequently to reserve
the battery power.
90081-2.11 Micro Junior 2
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The Micro Junior 2 is digned to be trouble free