TempTracker mod+ & TempTracker mod+ Extension Installation Manual
system run-on
• This feature lets the TempTracker mod+ run the SYS relay for a longer period after the boilers have been turned off. When this relay
is used to control a pump, it helps in dissipating the excess heat from the boilers combustion chamber.
Each of the TempTracker mod+ or TempTracker mod+ Extension consists of three primary enclosure components.
• The Enclosure Display Module:
contains the display, buttons, LEDs and electric wiring terminals. It has two screws to hold it to
the base. A program configuration switch, used to adjust TempTracker mod+ settings, is placed above the terminals. This switch
is enclosed with the enclosure wiring cover for security. Wiring terminals are of the plug-in type to ease installation and removal.
• The Enclosure Base:
contains the holes to mount and hold the control against the wall or any flat surface. All other enclosure
components mount on the base. The bottom section of the Enclosure Base contains the wiring chamber with knockouts on the
bottom to easy installation.
• The Enclosure Wiring Cover:
seals the wires from the external environment. It has two screws to hold it the base and a hole to
secure a lock on the wiring enclosure. A plastic web that separates the wiring chamber into high and low volt sections has been
MountInG tHe enclosure
• Select a location near the equipment to be controlled.
• The surface should be flat, and be sufficiently wide and strong to hold the
TempTracker mod+ or the TempTracker mod+ Extension.
• Keep the control away from extreme heat, cold, or humidity. Ambient
control operating temperature is from 20 to 120°F.
• Remove the Enclosure Wiring Cover from the control enclosure by
removing the two bottom screws.
• Remove the Enclosure Display Module by removing the middle screws.
• Screw the Enclosure Base to the surface through the upper and lower
mounting holes on the back of the enclosure.
• Replace the Enclosure Display Module and replace the middle screws.
• Do not replace the enclosure wiring cover until all wiring is done.
Mounting Holes
Display Mounting Screws
Wiring Cover
Mounting Screws
Enclosure Display Module
Enclosure Wiring Cover
Enclosure Base
Hole for optional lock
(not supplied)