3.4 Alarms
Alarms are used to alert you to a hazard or situation requiring your
attention. Alarms are triggered based on their specified thresholds.
The following alarms can be configured on your display:
• Dangerous AIS targets
• Shallow depth
• Waypoint arrival
• Low voltage
• Off track
• Anchor drift
• Water temperature
• Fish detection
• Engine alarms
• Satellite lost fix
Alarms are color coded to signify their severity:
Dangerous alarm example
— is used to signify a dangerous alarm condition, immediate
action is required due to a potential or immediate danger to life or
vessel. Dangerous alarms are accompanied by an audible tone. The
Dangerous alarm notification and audible tone will continue to be
displayed until acknowledged or the conditions that triggered the
alarm are no longer present.
Warning alarm example
— is used to signify a warning alarm condition. Warning alarms
are used to signify that there has been a change in situation that you
need to be aware of. Warnings alarms are accompanied by an audible
tone. The warning alarm notification and audible tone will continue
to be displayed until acknowledged or the conditions that triggered
the alarm are no longer present.