6.1 Post-installation checks
These checks should be carried out after installation,
and prior to the commissioning of the autopilot
1. Switch on power to the autopilot system and
associated equipment.
• ACU (for EV-1 systems only)
• Autopilot controller
• SeaTalkng® backbone (if this has its own
power supply)
2. Check that the autopilot controller powers up. If
the display is blank press and hold the
button for 2 seconds.
3. Check the display for error messages that could
indicate a problem with the installation.
For assistance with diagnosing faults:
• Refer to the troubleshooting information
supplied with the product, or
• contact Raymarine customer support
6.2 Autopilot system setup
Before using the autopilot system it
is essential that it is properly commissioned in
accordance with the setup instructions.
1. Perform an initial power-on test to ensure all
components are working correctly.
2. Refer to the latest version of your compatible
Autopilot Controller’s user documentation for
detailed instructions on how to commission your
Evolution autopilot system.