MT5 Multi-Tracer Operating Manual
page 12
Figure 3. Module connector strain relief options.
The Multi-Tracer supports grounding either the module negative or module positive
terminal. Therefore, each channel must be wired as a positive or negative ground
channel. Most modules are connected using negative grounding, and, by default, all
Multi-Tracer channels are configured this way unless positive grounding is specified by
the customer when the unit is ordered. Note: A simple wiring modification is required
inside the Multi-Tracer to convert the given channel from positive to negative grounding.
Please see the section 8
“Changing Module Grounding” for details.
The module connects to the Multi-Tracer in one of two ways, either the positive input
(PV+) and ground (GND) or to the negative input (PV-) and ground (GND). Never
connect a module to PV+ and PV- at the same time. No damage should result, but the
unit will not function properly.
The voltage sense lead is connected the same regardless of the grounding scheme.
While the diagrams below show the shield of the voltage sense cable connected to
ground at the Multi-Tracer, other shielding connections may perform better depending
on the specifics of the installation. Generally, it is better to connect a shield at one end