Basic Operation
Quick Start Guide 1312.6808.62 ─ 02
3 Basic Operation
This chapter describes the use of an R&S ZVA80 vector network analyzer with two exter-
nal test sets for 2-port transmission measurements.
One-port reflection measurements can be performed in a similar way using a single
external test set.
3.1 Required Equipment
The R&S ZVA80 system is delivered with all measurement equipment needed. An addi-
tional 1 mm calibration kit is required for calibration.
3.2 Measurement Principle
The principle of the measurement with external test sets is described at the beginning of
this guide; refer to
chapter 2.1, "Operation with External Test Sets"
The measurement involves the following steps:
1. Activation of the "ZVA80-BU" mode for measurements with external test set
2. Connection of the external test sets
3. Calibration using a suitable calibration kit
4. Connection of the DUT and measurement
3.3 Activating the ZVA80-BU Measurement Mode
After a factory preset, the R&S ZVA80 base unit is in the "ZVA80-BU" mode, which is the
operating mode for measurements with external test sets. The sweep range corresponds
to the full frequency range of the analyzer up to 80 GHz. The ZVA80-BU mode can be
disabled, e.g. in order to perform 2-port measurements with internal test sets.
To re-activate the ZVA80-BU mode,
1. Click "System > System Config ..." and open the "Frequency Converter" tab of the
"System Configuration" dialog.
2. Select "Type : ZVA80-BU".
3. Click "Apply" to activate the mode and "Close".
Required Equipment