Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Setting only
Manual operation:
Table 11-7: String identifiers for measurement results
All port numbers in a result identifier refer to
logical (=DUT) ports
; to avoid ambiguities they must be represented by the same
number of digits (e.g. S21 or S0201). The valid port numbers are determined by the channel's logical port configuration
For details about the measurement results, see
Chapter 9.3, "Measurement results"
'S11' | 'S12' | ... | 'S0101' | ...
Single-ended S-parameters S<i><j> for logical (DUT) ports <i> and <j>. To
avoid ambiguities, <i> and <j> must be specified with the same number of
'SCD11' | ...
S-parameters involving balanced ports must be specified in the form
S<m_i><m_j><i><j>, where <m_i> and <m_j> denote the port modes of the
related logical ports <i> and <j>. In general, for the port modes <m_i><m_j>
all pairs of D (differential, balanced), C (common, balanced) and S (single-
ended, unbalanced) are allowed.
'Y11' | ... | 'YSS11' | ... | 'YCC11' | ... | 'YDD11' | 'Z11'
| ... | 'ZSS11' | ... | 'ZCC11' | ... | 'ZDD11' | ...
Short-circuit Y-parameters and open-circuit Z-parameters with port modes
and port numbers like for normal mode S-parameters.
Selecting a parameter Y...<n><m> or Z...<n><m> sets the range of logical
port numbers to be considered for the Y and Z-parameter measurement to
'Y-S11' | ... | 'Y-SSS11' | ... | 'Y-SCC11' | ... | 'Y-
SDD11' | 'Z-S11' | ... | 'Z-SSS11' | ... | 'Z-SCC11' | ...
| 'Z-SDD11' | ...
S-parameters converted to matched-circuit admittances and impedances
with port modes and port numbers like for normal mode S-parameters. For
transmission parameters, this refers to series resistances.
'Y-S12SER' | 'Y-S12PAR' | ... | 'Z-S12SER' | 'Z-
S12PAR' | ...
Converted transmission admittances and impedances, calculated as
iesChapter 9, "VNA concepts and features"
'SHUNT-S12' | 'SHUNT-S21'
Converted impedances measured using shunt-thru method.
'A1' | ... | 'A01' | ... | 'B1' | ... | 'B01' | ...
Wave quantities A<meas>D1 (for a wave) and B<meas>D1.
'A1D2' | ... | 'A01D02' | ... | 'B1D2' | ... | 'B01D02' | ...
Wave quantities A<meas>D<drive> (for a wave) and B<meas>D<drive> (for
b wave) for logical ports <meas> and <drive>.
'B2/A1' | ... 'B02/A01' | ...
Ratio of wave quantities with port numbers like for normal mode S-parame-
'B2D1/A1D1' | ... 'B02D01/A01D01' | ...
Ratios of wave quantities with drive ports
'IMB1-23' | 'IMB23-1' | 'IMB1-24' | ...
Differential Imbalance parameters between a balanced and two single-ended
logical ports
'KFAC21' | 'KFAC12' | ...
Stability factor K (for unbalanced ports only)
'MUF121' | 'MUF112' | ...
Stability factor 1 (for unbalanced ports only)
'MUF221' | 'MUF212' | ...
Stability factor 2 (for unbalanced ports only)
'Pmtr1D1' | 'Pmtr1D2, 'Pmtr2D1' | 'Pmtr2D2'', ...
Power sensor measurement using a power meter 'Pmtr<no>' and analyzer
source port 'D1' or 'D2' (R&S
ZNL only)
*) Selecting a parameter Y...<n><m> or Z...<n><m> sets the range of port numbers to
be considered for the Y and Z-parameter measurement to <n>:<m>.
VNA command reference