VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
A "Notch" filter rejects all information in the specified time region and passes every-
thing else.
Remote command:
Selects a gate shape which the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE uses to filter the trace in the time
domain. The drop-down list visualizes how the time gate will affect a constant function
after transformation back into the frequency domain. The selected window is applied to
the active trace. The two red vertical lines represent the "Start" and "Stop" values
defining the size of the time gate.
See also
Remote command:
Side Lobe Level
Defines the side lobe suppression for an "Arbitrary Gate Shape (Dolph-Chebychev)"
gate. The entered value is the ratio of the power of the central lobe to the power of the
first side lobe in dB.
Remote command:
Time Gate Linking/Single Time Gate Linking
Allows you to link the time gates of time domain traces, i.e. to align the time gate set-
ting across linked (~coupled) traces.
"Time Gate Linking" links the time gates of all traces to the time gate of the active
trace, "Single Time Gate Linking" links the time gate of the current trace to the time
gate of the selected trace.
Remote command:
Distance to Fault Tab
With option K3, the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE can locate faults and discontinuities on cables and
transmission lines. The measured S
-parameter trace is mathematically converted to
the time domain, and represented in the distance domain. The x-axis of the DtF trace
(derived from S
) shows the distance from the calibrated reference plane; faults appear
as peaks above a certain level.
If option K3 is not installed on the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE, the "Distance to Fault" tab is hid-
To achieve the best distance resolution, set the sweep span as large as possible and
use the
to adjust the number of sweep points.
Trace softtool