VNA concepts and features
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Serial C, Shunt L / Serial L, Shunt C / Serial C, Shunt C /
Serial L, Shunt L
The following networks are composed of a shunt C or L (as seen from the analyzer
port), followed by a serial C or L. They are named
Shunt C, Serial L /
Shunt L, Serial C / Shunt C, Serial C / Shunt L, Serial L
At the GUI, the "capacitance C<i> in parallel with resistance R<i>" circuit blocks can be
replaced by equivalent "capacitance C<i> in parallel with conductance G<i>" circuit
In addition, there is also a
Shunt L, Shunt C
circuit model available, where the
shunt C is defined as a capacitance C in parallel with a conductance G:
Circuit models for 4-port networks
The lumped element 4-port transformation networks for (de-)embedding consist of the
following two basic circuit blocks:
A capacitor C connected in parallel with a resistor.
An inductor L connected in series with a resistor.
Offset parameters and de-/embedding