VNA concepts and features
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
B: Two-port at power meter (during calibration)
Test and measurement procedure:
1. Perform the calibration with the additional two-port between the analyzer port and
the power sensor. During the calibration, the analyzer increases the power sensor
values by the 2-port transmission coefficients to move the calibration plane of the
power calibration towards the input of the DUT. The calibration plane corresponds
to the input of the additional 2-port.
2. Perform the measurement without the additional two-port.
Practical example:
An adapter or attenuator with known attenuation is needed to con-
nect the power sensor to the test port of the network analyzer. The transmission coeffi-
cients of the adapter are used for the power meter correction.
Parallel calibration of multiple channels
If multiple channels are configured in the active channel setup, clearly they can be cali-
brated one after the other, but this can be inefficient in terms of necessary reconnec-
tions of calibration standards (or calibration units).
The R&S
ZNL/ZNLE offers multiple possibilities to calibrate several channels in paral-
Calibrate multiple channels in one go, using the same calibration type on the same
ports for all channels
In this case, for each port to be calibrated the same calibration standards have to
be connected. After connecting one of these standards, a calibration sweep has to
be performed for each channel.
This simple mode of parallel calibration is supported from the analyzer GUI ("Cali-
brate all Channels" checkbox in all calibration wizards) and via remote control (see
Calibrate a subset of the available channels, possibly using different ports and cali-
bration types, using
remote control
In this case, for each port to be calibrated a different set of calibration standards
might be required. For each of these standards only a subset of the available chan-
nels might have to be swept. See
This advanced mode of parallel calibration is available via
remote control only
Offset parameters and de-/embedding
The R&S
ZNL/ZNLE functionality described in this section complements the calibra-
tion, compensating for the effect of known transmission lines or matching networks
between the calibrated reference plane and the DUT.
Offset parameters and de-/embedding