VNA concepts and features
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Examples for using ratios
A measurement of ratios is particularly suitable for the following test scenarios:
The test setup or some of its components (e.g. active components or non-recipro-
cal devices) do not allow a system error correction so that a complete S-parameter
measurement is not possible.
The test setup contains frequency-converting components so that the transmitted
and the received waves are at different frequencies.
A ratio of two arbitrary waves that is not an element of the S-matrix (e.g. a ratio of
the form a
) is needed.
The notation for ratios is similar to the notation for wave quantities (see
ter, "Wave quantities"
on page 224). Given a source port k, any ratio between
wave quantities "a
Src Port k" and "b
Src Port k" can be measured.
Src Port 1" is the ratio of the outgoing wave at DUT port 2 and the incident
wave at DUT port 1 (i.e. DUT port 1 ist stimulated). This corresponds to the forward
transmission coefficient S
Src Port 1" is the ratio of the outgoing wave at DUT port 1 and the incident
wave at DUT port 1 (i.e. DUT port 1 ist stimulated). This corresponds to the forward
reflection coefficient S
Unbalance-balance conversion
Unbalance-balance conversion is the simulation of one or more unbalance-balance
transformers (baluns) integrated in the measurement circuit. It converts the DUT ports
from an unbalanced state into a balanced state and virtually separates the differential
and common mode signals. The analyzer measures the unbalanced state but converts
the results and calculates mixed mode parameters, e.g. mixed mode S-parameters. No
physical transformer is needed.
To perform balanced measurements, a pair of physical analyzer ports is combined to
form a logical port. The balanced port of the DUT is directly connected to the analyzer
ports. For a two-port analyzer, a single balanced port can be defined.
Measurement results