VNA concepts and features
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
numeric value is incremented or decremented, or when display elements are added or
In most dialogs, however, it is possible to cancel an erroneous input before it takes
effect. The settings in such dialogs must be confirmed explicitly.
The two types of dialogs are easy to distinguish:
Dialogs with immediate settings provide a "Close" button but no "OK" button.
Example: "Trace Manager" dialog
Dialogs with confirmed settings provide both an "OK" button and a "Cancel" button.
Example: "Balanced Ports" dialog
Immediate settings can be undone using the "Undo" toolbar icon.
Common dialogs
Open Dialog
The "Open File" dialog is used to open various file types (cal kit data, limit lines, sweep
segment lists, ...).
Depending on the context, the dialog is displayed with different caption, default direc-
tory ("Traces" in the above screenshot), and file type filters. Context-specific options
("Import Data to New Mem" in the above screenshot) are accessible via controls in the
section below the "Windows Explorer" button.
"Look in:" specifies the directory to be listed. The icons to the right of the pull-down
list are provided for easy navigation in the file system (place the cursor on the
icons to obtain "Whats this" help).
VNA screen elements