VNA concepts and features
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
The marker coordinates are expressed in one of the marker formats selected via
[Mkr] > "Marker Props" > "Marker Format". The formats of the markers assigned to
a trace are independent of each other and of the trace format settings.
The active marker has a dot placed in front of the marker line.
"R" denotes the reference marker. A "
" sign placed in front of the marker line indi-
cates that the marker is in delta mode.
Open the context menu of the marker info field to access frequently used marker set-
Customizing the marker info field
To change the position, appearance or contents of the marker info field, use one of the
following methods:
The info field can be moved to several positions in the upper and lower part of the
active diagram. Drag & drop it to the desired position.
To change the format of the active marker, select [TRACE] > "Marker" > "Marker
Properties" > "Marker Format".
To express the coordinates of the active marker relative to the reference marker,
activate the delta mode [TRACE] > "Marker" > "Marker Properties" > "Delta Mode".
Info Table
If you wish to reserve the full diagram space for traces, you can drag & drop the
marker info field to the info table.
The info table is hidden by default. To display it, open the "Display Lines" softtool
(hardkey [Display Lines]), activate its "Config" tab and select "Info Table" > "Show".
Marker format
Marker values can be formatted according to the current trace format, according to the
default marker format of the related trace ("Format" > "Dflt Marker Frmt"), or formatted
individually ([Mkr] > "Marker Props" > "Marker Format").
The available marker formats are defined for all measured quantities and trace formats
Chapter, "Measured quantities and trace formats"
tially, a marker format is simply a conversion between points on a complex-valued
trace (the raw measurement data) and the respective target format. This must be kept
in mind when interpreting the results and physical units displayed.
VNA screen elements