Network and remote settings
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Within this interface description, the term GPIB is used as a synonym for the IEC/IEEE
bus interface.
LAN interface
To be integrated in a LAN, the instrument is equipped with a LAN interface, consisting
of a connector, a network interface card and protocols. The network card can be oper-
ated with the following interfaces:
10 Mbit/s Ethernet IEEE 802.3
100 Mbit/s Ethernet IEEE 802.3u
1Gbit/s Ethernet IEEE 802.3ab
For remote control via a network, the PC and the instrument must be connected via the
LAN interface to a common network with TCP/IP network protocol. They are connected
using a commercial RJ45 cable (shielded or unshielded twisted pair category 5). The
TCP/IP network protocol and the associated network services are preconfigured on the
instrument. Software for instrument control and the VISA program library must be
installed on the controller.
VISA library
Instrument access is usually achieved from high level programming platforms using
VISA as an intermediate abstraction layer. VISA encapsulates the low level VXI, GPIB,
LAN or USB function calls and thus makes the transport interface transparent for the
user. See
The R&S
ZNL/ZNLE supports various LAN protocols such as VXI11, RSIB, raw socket
or the HiSLIP protocol.
IP address
Only the IP address or a valid DNS host name is required to set up the connection.
The host address is part of the "VISA resource string" used by the programs to identify
and control the instrument.
The VISA resource string has the form:
TCPIP::host address[::LAN device name][::INSTR]
TCPIP::host address::port::SOCKET
designates the network protocol used
host address
is the IP address or host name of the device
LAN device name
defines the protocol and the instance number of a subinstru-
selects the VXI-11 protocol (default)
Remote control interfaces and protocols