Basic Operation
User Manual 1334.5985.02 ─ 02
2. Select the
The browser accesses another part of the R&S License Manager. In this part of the
license manager, you can manage licenses already installed on your R&S
This page features two areas:
● The first area provides functionality to manage licenses already installed on a
"Register Licenses"
Follow this link if you have purchased an unregistered license. Unregis-
tered licenses only work in combination with a specific device ID.
"Unregister License"
Follow this link if you have installed a portable license. Portable licenses
work in combination with several device IDs. However, you have to unregi-
ster it on one device before you can use it on another.
"Move Portable License"
Follow this link if you want to move a portable license. Moving a portable
license is possible without unregistering the license.
Online help icon
Opens a detailed online help to the corresponding topic.
● The second area provides hints on using the R&S License Manager when you
move the mouse over one of the options.
After you have followed one of the links, follow the instructions displayed in the
browser. If you encounter any problems during the licensing procedure, you can
access the online help at any time with the online help icon . The online help contains
an extensive description of all functionality that the license manager features.
Measuring Transmissions
This measurement example measures the transmission characteristics of a lowpass fil-
ter in the VNA mode. The filter works in the frequency from 10 MHz to 200 MHz.
Test setup
To measure the transmission:
Connect the input of the filter to the generator output (RF port 1).
Connect the output of the filter to the RF input (RF port 2).
Preset the R&S
Before starting the measurement procedure, preset the R&S
ZNH to restore the default
configurations and connect the filter between the measurement ports.
Measuring Transmissions