Remote Control
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
The advanced LAN configuration parameters are used as follows:
"Negotiation": The negotiation configuration field provides different Ethernet speed
and duplex mode settings. In general, the "Auto Detect" mode is sufficient.
"ICMP Ping" must be enabled to use the ping utility.
"VXI-11 Discovery" and "mDNS and DNS-SD" are protocols which can be used for
discovery of the instrument in the LAN. The VXI-11 discovery mechanism is a require-
ment on LXI devices from the first revision of the standard. Support for the multicast
DNS (mDNS) and DNS-SD (DNS Service Discovery) mechanisms has been intro-
duced as a requirement in version 1.3 of the standard. The R&S ZNC supports both
discovery mechanisms.
Password protection
Changing the LAN configuration is password-protected. The password reads
(notice upper and lower case characters). This password cannot be changed in the
current software version.
Ping Client
Ping is a utility that verifies the connection between the LXI-compliant instrument and
another device. The ping is initiated from the instrument. It uses the ICMP echo request
and echo reply packets to determine whether the LAN connection to another device is
functional. Ping is useful for diagnosing IP network or router failures.
The ping utility is not password-protected. To initiate a ping at the instrument:
1. Ensure that "ICMP Ping" is enabled (see
2. Enter the IP address of the second device into the "Destination Address" field (e.g.
3. Click Submit.
LXI Configuration