GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
Meas Delay
Adds a delay time before the start of the partial measurements. See
"Partial Measurements and Driving Mode"
If "All Partial Meas'ments" is selected, the delay time is added before each partial
measurement. For a complete 2 port S-parameter measurement, the delay must be
added twice per sweep point.
If "First Partial Meas'ment" is selected, the delay time is added once per sweep point
only, irrespective of the measured quantities and the number of partial measure-
ments. The sweep time increases by the measurement delay times the number of
sweep points.
"Meas Delay" is not available while a time sweep or CW mode sweep is active. However,
the analyzer takes into account a previously defined measurement delay.
A delay time before the start of each partial measurement increases the accuracy,
in particular for measurements on DUTs with long settling times (e.g. quartz oscillators,
SAW filters). Select "First Partial Meas'ment" if the DUT does not require an additional
settling time due to the interchange of source and receive ports.
As an alternative to increasing the delay (and thus the total sweep time), it is possible to
select "Alternated" sweep; see
Remote command:
Sweep > Sweep Type
Defines the sweep variable (frequency/power/time) and the position of the sweep points
across the sweep range.
CHANNEL > SWEEP key or Alt + Shift + M
Channel Settings