Concepts and Features
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
The gated trace is transformed back into frequency domain using a "No Profiling (Rect-
angle)" window.
The shape, width and position of the time gate affect the gated frequency domain trace.
The window type selection in the "Define Transform" dialog is ignored. The selected win-
dow is used again when the TD trace is displayed ("Time Domain: On").
The rectangular "No Profiling (Rectangle) "windows minimize numerical inaccuracies
near the boundaries of the measured frequency span. In the limit where the effect of the
time gate vanishes (e.g. a gate of type "Notch" and a very small width), the time gated
trace is equal to the original measured trace.
3.7.2 GPIB Interface (R&S ZNC-B10)
The hardware option R&S ZNC-B10, "GPIB Interface", provides a GPIB bus connector
according to standard IEEE 488 / IEC 625. The GPIB interface is mostly intended for
remote control purposes and for the connection of external devices, e.g. power meters.
For details refer to
chapter 9.1.3, "GPIB Interface"
3.7.3 Handler I/O (Universal Interface, R&S ZN-B14)
A network analyzer which is equipped with option R&S ZN-B14, Handler I/O (Universal
Interface), can interact with an external part handler. The digital control signals on the
interface connector indicate the possible start and the end of a measurement, as well as
a global limit check result. Typically, the handler will insert the device to be tested into a
test fixture, provide a trigger pulse to initiate the measurement, remove and replace the
device after the measurement is complete and sort it into pass/fail bins. For details refer
chapter 9.1.4, "Universal Interface"
3.7.4 Extended Power Range
Option R&S ZNC3-B22 decreases the minimum receive power down to -50 dBm.
It is also required to manually configure AGC for a-waves (see
Optional Extensions and Accessories