Getting started
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
Control elements of the application window
The application window of the analyzer provides all control elements for the measure-
ments and contains the diagrams for the results. There are several alternative ways for
accessing an instrument function:
Using a function key on the (virtual) hardkey panel to open the related softtool (rec-
ommended, provides all settings)
Using the menus and submenus of the menu bar (alternative to the previous
Using the context menus of certain display objects (for important actions in the
context of this object)
Using the icons in the toolbar above the diagram area (for frequent global actions)
These methods are described in more detail in the following sections.
For further reference:
Chapter 4.2.1, "Display elements of a diagram"
information about the results in the diagram.
Chapter 5.17, "Display softtool"
on page 735 and learn how to customize
the screen.
Operating the instrument