GUI reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
Controls on the Math tab
The "Define Math..." buttons in the "Complex Data" and "Formatted Data" sections
both open the
, but with different scope:
"Complex Data" > "Define Math..." defines mathematical operations on raw com-
plex trace data.
"Formatted Data" > "Define Math..." defines mathematical operations onformatted
trace data.
Both can be combined.
Complex Data/Formatted Data
The controls in the "Complex Data" section define math operations on raw complex
trace data, the controls in the "Formatted Data" section define math operations on for-
matted trace data.
"Complex Data" math is available in all firmware versions of all R&S
ZNx vector net-
work analyzers. "Formatted Data" math was added in version 3.0 of the R&S
ZNBT firmware.
Trace Math ← Complex Data/Formatted Data
Activates or deactivates the "Complex Data" and/or "Formatted Data" formula previ-
ously defined using
ter, "User Def Math dialog"
Trace math for unformatted and formatted trace data can be active at the same time.
Trace Math ← Complex Data/Formatted Data
Activates the mathematical mode, applying the last active mathematical relation to the
active trace. The trace is replaced by the mathematical trace and Math is displayed in
the trace list while the mathematical mode is active:
Trace Config softtool