Instrument Control
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Usable for IPv6 or IPv4 networks
Using VXI-11, each operation is blocked until a VXI-11 device handshake
returns. However, using HiSLIP, data is sent to the device using the "fire
and forget" method with immediate return. Thus, a successful return of a
VISA operation such as
does not guarantee that the instru-
ment has finished or started the requested command, but is delivered to the
TCP/IP buffers.
For more information see also the application note:
1MA208: Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP
VXI-11 Protocol
The VXI-11 standard is based on the ONC RPC (Open Network Computing
Remote Procedure Call) protocol which in turn relies on TCP/IP as the network/
transport layer. The TCP/IP network protocol and the associated network services
are preconfigured. TCP/IP ensures connection-oriented communication, where
the order of the exchanged messages is adhered to and interrupted links are
identified. With this protocol, messages cannot be lost.
Socket Communication
An alternative way for remote control of the software is to establish a simple net-
work communication using sockets. The socket communication, also referred to
as “Raw Ethernet communication”, does not require a VISA installation on the
remote controller side.
The simplest way to establish socket communication is to use the built-in telnet
program. The telnet program is part of every operating system and supports com-
munication with the software on a command-by-command basis.
Socket connections are established on a specially defined port. The socket
address is a combination of the IP address or the host name of the instrument
and the number of the port configured for remote-control. All instruments use port
number 5025 for this purpose. The port is configured for communication on a
command-to-command basis and for remote control from a program running on a
connected PC.
Network and Remote Control Operation