Zeroing Sensors
User Manual 1178.5566.02 ─ 05
Zeroing Sensors
Zeroing removes offset voltages from the analog circuitry of the sensors, so that there
are only low powers displayed when there is no power applied.
Zeroing is recommended if:
The temperature has varied by more than 5
The sensor has been replaced.
No zeroing was performed in the last 24 hours.
Signals of very low power are to be measured, for instance, if the expected mea-
sured value is less than 10
dB above the lower measurement range limit.
Access: [Zero]
> "Zeroing Sensors" dialog
Figure 11-1: Zeroing Sensors dialog
The table below "Zero All Sensors" shows all connected sensors with:
Port name, A to D
Zeroing status: not done, in progress, successful
Sensors zeroed successful are also checked:
To zero sensors
1. Disconnect the sensors you want to zero from all power sources. Any signal pres-
ent at the RF input of a sensor is taken into account. You can either switch off the
RF output of a DUT or disconnect the sensor physically from any power source.
An active test signal during zeroing causes an error.
2. Press [Zero].