User Manual 1173.9240.02 ─ 23
Remote command:
Reference Value Position
Determines the position of the reference value for the modulation depth or the phase
deviation or frequency deviation on the y-axis of the diagram.
The position is entered as a percentage of the diagram height with 100 % correspond-
ing to the upper diagram border. The default setting is 50 % (diagram center) for the
AF time evaluations and 100 % (upper diagram border) for the AF spectrum evalua-
Remote command:
Reference Value
Determines the modulation depth or the phase deviation or the frequency deviation at
the reference line of the y-axis. The reference value can be set specifically for each
AF time display
The trace display takes individual frequency/phase offsets into account (in contrast,
setting permits automatic correction by the average frequency/
phase offset of the signal, and therefore cannot be activated simultaneously).
AF spectrum display
In the default setting, the reference value defines the modulation depth or the
FM/PM deviation at the upper diagram border.
Possible values:
AM: 0 and ± 10000 %
FM: 0 and ± 10 MHz
PM: 0 and ± 10000 rad
The reference value for the AF range in the
window title bar
is displayed with
respect to the defined reference
. The position may vary for different windows.
For time domain and frequency domain windows, for example, a different reference
value may be displayed, although the same reference is actually used (but the posi-
tions vary).
Remote command:
AF Coupling
Controls the automatic correction of the frequency offset and phase offset of the input
This function is only available for FM or PM time domain evaluations.
FM time evaluation
If DC is selected, the absolute frequency is displayed, i.e. an input signal with an
offset relative to the center frequency is not displayed symmetrically with respect to
the zero line.
If AC is selected, the frequency offset is automatically corrected, i.e. the trace is
always symmetric with respect to the zero line.
PM time evaluation