Common Analysis and Display Functions
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
4. Determine the precise frequency of the signal point:
a) Select the "Select Marker Function" softkey.
b) Select the "Signal Count" button.
c) Select the "Signal Count Resolution" softkey.
d) Select the resolution depending on how precise the result needs to be.
How to Use a Fixed Reference Marker
By default, delta markers refer to marker 1. However, they can also refer to a fixed ref-
erence marker.
How to Define and Move a Fixed Reference Marker
1. To display a fixed reference marker, do one of the following:
● Press the [MKR FUNC] key, then select the "Reference Fixed" marker function.
● In the "Marker" dialog box, in the "Reference Fixed" area of the "Marker Config"
tab, set the "State" to "On" .
A vertical and a horizontal red display line are displayed, marked as "FXD" . The
normal marker 1 is activated and set to the peak value of the trace assigned to
marker 1, and a delta marker to the next peak. The fixed reference marker is set to
the position of marker 1 at the peak value.
2. To move the fixed reference marker, do one of the following:
● Change the "Level" and "Frequency" of the reference point in the "Marker Con-
fig" tab of the "Marker" dialog box, . By default, the current peak value of trace
1 is set.
● Set the fixed reference marker to the current peak value by selecting the "Peak
Search" button in the "Marker Config" tab of the "Marker" dialog box.
● Move the "FXD" display lines that define the position of the fixed reference
marker by dragging them on the screen.
How to Assign a Fixed Reference Marker to Delta Markers
1. In the "Marker" dialog box, select the horizontal "Markers" tab.
2. For the active delta marker that is to refer to the fixed reference marker, select
"FXD" from the "Reference Marker" list.
The delta marker indicates the offset of the current trace value at the marker posi-
tion from the fixed reference value.
How to Output the Demodulated Signal Accoustically
For long sweep times you may wish to monitor a measurement accoustically rather
than visually to determine when a certain signal level is reached.
Marker Usage