Common Measurement Settings
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
6. Define the length in seconds from the beginning of one gate measurement to the
beginning of the next one ("Gate Period Length").
7. Define how many gate measurements are to be performed after a single trigger
event ("Gate Period Count").
8. Run a measurement and wait for the external, IF power or power sensor trigger
event to occur.
Adjusting Settings Automatically
Some settings can be adjusted by the R&S
FSV/A automatically according to the cur-
rent measurement settings. In order to do so, a measurement is performed. The dura-
tion of this measurement can be defined automatically or manually.
Adjusting settings automatically during triggered measurements
When you select an auto adjust function, a measurement is performed to determine
the optimal settings. If you select an auto adjust function for a triggered measurement,
you are asked how the R&S
FSV/A should behave:
(default:) The measurement for adjustment waits for the next trigger
The measurement for adjustment is performed without waiting for a trigger.
The trigger source is temporarily set to "Free Run" . After the measurement is com-
pleted, the original trigger source is restored. The trigger level is adjusted as fol-
For IF Power and RF Power triggers:
Trigger Level = Reference Level - 15 dB
For Video trigger:
Trigger Level = 85 %
Remote command:
Auto measurement
Use the
Adjusting all Determinable Settings Automatically ( Auto All )
function to deter-
mine the required measurement parameters automatically, see also
Adjusting all Determinable Settings Automatically ( Auto All )
.................................... 410
Adjusting the Center Frequency Automatically ( Auto Frequency )
............................ 410
Setting the Reference Level Automatically ( Auto Level )
........................................... 410
Resetting the Automatic Measurement Time ( Meastime Auto )
Changing the Automatic Measurement Time ( Meastime Manual )
............................ 411
.............................................................................................. 411
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Adjusting Settings Automatically