FSV/A3000 I/Q
User Manual 1178.8536.02 ─ 01
nel-defined sequence. In this case, the Sequencer sweeps a channel in single sweep
mode only once.
Furthermore, the [RUN SINGLE] key controls the Sequencer, not individual sweeps.
[RUN SINGLE] starts the Sequencer in single mode.
If the Sequencer is off, only the evaluation for the currently displayed channel is upda-
For details on the Sequencer, see the R&S
FSV/A User Manual.
Remote command:
Continue Single Sweep
After triggering, repeats the number of sweeps set in "Sweep Count", without deleting
the trace of the last measurement.
While the measurement is running, the "Continue Single Sweep" softkey and the [RUN
SINGLE] key are highlighted. The running measurement can be aborted by selecting
the highlighted softkey or key again.
Remote command:
Select Frame
Selects a specific frame, loads the corresponding trace from the memory, and displays
it in the Spectrum window.
Note that activating a marker or changing the position of the active marker automati-
cally selects the frame that belongs to that marker.
This function is only available in single sweep mode or if the sweep is stopped, and
only if a spectrogram is selected.
The most recent frame is number 0, all previous frames have a negative number.
Remote command:
Continue Frame
Determines whether the results of the previous sweeps are included in the analysis of
the next sweeps for trace modes "Max Hold" , "Min Hold" , and "Average" .
This function is available in single sweep mode only.
When the average or peak values are determined for the new sweep, the results of
the previous sweeps in the spectrogram are also taken into account.
The average or peak values are determined from the results of the newly swept
frames only.
Remote command:
Data Acquisition and Bandwidth Settings