I/Q Data File Format (iq-tar)
FSV/A3000 I/Q
User Manual 1178.8536.02 ─ 01
<ArrayOfFloat length="256">
<Histogram width="64" height="64">0123456789...0</Histogram>
I/Q Data Binary File
The I/Q data is saved in binary format according to the format and data type specified
in the XML file (see
element and
element). To allow reading and
writing of streamed I/Q data, all data is interleaved, i.e. complex values are interleaved
pairs of I and Q values and multi-channel signals contain interleaved (complex) sam-
ples for channel 0, channel 1, channel 2 etc. If the
element is not
defined, one channel is presumed.
Example: Element order for real data (1 channel)
I[0], // Real sample 0
I[1], // Real sample 1
I[2], // Real sample 2
Example: Element order for complex cartesian data (1 channel)
I[0], Q[0], // Real and imaginary part of complex sample 0
I[1], Q[1], // Real and imaginary part of complex sample 1
I[2], Q[2], // Real and imaginary part of complex sample 2
Example: Element order for complex polar data (1 channel)
Mag[0], Phi[0], // Magnitude and phase part of complex sample 0
Mag[1], Phi[1], // Magnitude and phase part of complex sample 1
Mag[2], Phi[2], // Magnitude and phase part of complex sample 2
I/Q Data Binary File