FM Stereo Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
If more measured values than measurement points are available,
several measured values are combined in one measurement point
according to the method of the selected trace detector. For details on
detectors refer to
Chapter 2.1.8, "Detector Overview"
Remote command:
Start ← Time Domain Zoom ← Left
Opens an edit dialog box to define the start time for the zoom area.
Remote command:
Length Manual ← Time Domain Zoom ← Left
Opens an edit dialog box to define the length of the zoom area (as a time value) man-
Remote command:
Length Auto ← Time Domain Zoom ← Left
Automatically sets the length of the zoom area to the number of sweep points (see
Remote command:
Time per Division ← Left
This function enables the "Time Domain Zoom" function and defines the zoom area
length in one step. The width of the zoom display is divided into 10 divisions; thus, by
entering the time that is displayed in each division, you indirectly define the zoom area
length ("Time per Division" * 10). The starting point of the zoom area is determined
automatically. To specify the starting point manually, use the "Start" function in the
"Time Domain Zoom" submenu.
For details see "Time Domain Zoom".
Squelch ← Left
Activates the squelch function, i.e. if the signal falls below a defined threshold, the
demodulated data is automatically set to 0. This is useful, for example, to avoid
demodulation noise during transmission breaks.
Remote command:
Squelch Level ← Left
Defines the level threshold below which the demodulated data is set to 0 if squelching
is enabled. The squelch level is an absolute value.
Remote command:
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S