Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
This command reads out previously acquired (and frequency response corrected) I/Q
data from the memory. Furthermore, the offset related to the start of measurement and
the number of I/Q samples are given. Thus, a previously acquired data set can be read
out in smaller portions. If no parameters are given, all data is read from the memory.
The maximum amount of available data depends on the settings of the
command, the output format on the settings in the FORMat subsystem.
The returned values are scaled linear in unit Volt and correspond to the voltage at the
RF or digital input of the instrument.
The format of the output buffer corresponds to the
The command requires all response data to be read out completely before the instru-
ment accepts further commands.
If no I/Q data is available in memory because the corresponding measurement was not
started, the command causes a query error.
Offset of the values to be read, in relation to the start of the
acquired data.
0 to <# of samples> – 1, with <# of samples> being
the value set by the "TRACe:IQ:SET" command
Number of measurement values to be read.
1 to <# of samples> - <offset samples> with <# of
samples> being the value set by the
"TRACe:IQ:SET" command
<# of samples>
Remote Commands in I/Q Analyzer Mode