Quick Start
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
control operation, the display itself and the background lighting in particular remain
switched on.
If you also want to switch off the display itself, you must use the power save function
by setting the response time in minutes prior to activation.
The display is reactivated immediately when you press a key on the instrument's front
Public SUB PowerSave()
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "DISPlay:PSAVe:HOLDoff 1")
'Set response time to 1 minute
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "DISPlay:PSAVe ON")
'Switch on Power Save function
Sending Simple Instrument Setting Commands
This example shows how the center frequency, span and reference level of the instru-
ment are set.
REM -------- Instrument setting commands -----------------------------------
PUBLIC SUB SimpleSettings()
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "FREQUENCY:CENTER 128MHz")
'Center frequency 128 MHz
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "FREQUENCY:SPAN 10MHZ")
'Set span to 10 MHz
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "DISPLAY:TRACE:Y:RLEVEL -10dBm")
'Set reference level to -10dBm
REM ************************************************************************
Switching to Manual Operation
REM -------- Switching instrument to manual operation ----------------------
CALL viGpibControlREN(analyzer, VI_GPIB_REN_ADDRESS_GTL)
'Set instrument to Local state
REM ************************************************************************
Reading Out Instrument Settings
The settings made above can now be read out. To do so, the abbreviated commands
are used.
REM --------- Reading out instrument settings ------------------------------
PUBLIC SUB ReadSettings()
Dim retCount as Long
CFfrequency$ = SPACE$(20) 'Provide text variable (20 characters)
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "FREQ:CENT?")
'Request center frequency
Brief Introduction to Remote Control