Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
'Peak measurement on
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:MEAN ON")
'Mean measurement on
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:RMS ON")
'RMS measurement on
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:SDEV ON")
'Standard deviation on
'------------------- Perform measurement and query results ----------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "INIT;*WAI") 'Perform sweep with sync
'Query results:
query$ = "CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:PPE:RES?;" 'Peak measurement
query$ = query$ + ":CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:MEAN:RES?;"'Mean measurement
query$ = query$ + ":CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:RMS:RES?;"'RMS measurement
query$ = query$ + ":CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:SDEV:RES?"'Standard deviation
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, query$)
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, result$)
Print result$
REM ************************************************************************
Fast Power Measurement on Power Ramps
A frequent task in mobile radio tests is measurement of a DUT at various power control
levels at the highest possible speed. The R&S
ESR offers two test functions for this
task, which can be used depending on the signal characteristics.
In the following, the two methods are presented by means of two examples.
Power Measurement with Multi-Summary Marker
The multi-summary marker function is suitable for measuring the power of a sequence
of pulses with the following characteristics:
The pulses occur at identical time intervals, which is typical of GSM transmission in
slots, for example.
The level of the first signal is reliably above threshold.
The subsequent pulses may have any levels.
The function uses the first pulse as a trigger signal. The power of the subsequent
pulses is determined exclusively via the timing pattern selected for the pulse
sequence. The function is, therefore, suitable for adjustments where the DUT out-
put power varies considerably and is not reliably above the trigger threshold.
The measurement accuracy is determined by the ratio of pulse duration to total
measurement time; this should not be below 1:50.
The function always uses TRACE 1.
Remote Control – Programming Examples