LTE Multi Evaluation Measurement
User Manual 1173.9628.02 ─ 16
Refer to 3GPP TS 36.521
V10.3.0, section...
Specified limit, normal / extreme conditions
Spectrum Flatness / E.4.4 EVM equalizer
spectrum flatness
max(range 1) - min(range 1) ≤ 5.4 dB / 5.4 dB
max(range 2) - min(range 2) ≤ 9.4 dB / 13.4 dB
max(range 1) - min(range 2) ≤ 6.4 dB / 7.4 dB
max(range 2) - min(range 1) ≤ 8.4 dB / 11.4 dB
Spectrum Limits
Without carrier aggregation, all spectrum limits can be configured per channel band-
Fig. 3-15: One node per bandwidth, no CA
With carrier aggregation, the spectrum limits can be configured per channel bandwidth
combination. There are four nodes for specific channel bandwidth combinations,
required for 3GPP tests. If you use another bandwidth combination, the node "Other
Combination" applies.
Example: The node "CA 20 MHz + 10 MHz" applies, if the PCC has a bandwidth of 20
MHz and the SCC a bandwidth of 10 MHz, or vice versa. The node "Other Combina-
tion" is used for example for 15 MHz + 10 MHz or 1.4 MHz + 5 MHz.
Fig. 3-16: One node per bandwidth combination, with CA
The individual spectrum limits are described in the following sections.
Occupied Bandwidth Limits
The occupied bandwidth is the bandwidth that contains 99 % of the total integrated
power of the transmitted spectrum. According to 3GPP, the occupied bandwidth shall
be less than the theoretical (aggregated) channel bandwidth. The limit for the occupied
bandwidth can be set in the configuration dialog.
Without carrier aggregation, the limit can be set per channel bandwidth.
General Description