WCDMA Signaling
User Manual 1173.9657.02 ─ 11
Performing subtest 2 to 5
After you have performed subtest 1, you can continue with subtest 2 to 5. For this pur-
pose repeat the following steps for each subtest.
1. Switch to the WCDMA signaling application:
In the TPC measurement press the "WCDMA-UE Signaling" softkey two times.
2. Press the "Disconnect ..." hotkey to release the connection.
3. Open the "CMW Wizard" dialog, select the desired subtest and execute the wizard.
4. Perform
of the subtest 1 procedure.
That means, set up a connection, configure the limits, start the measurement and
evaluate the results.
2.3.5 CS Phase Discontinuity Measurements
This application sheet describes how to perform a WCDMA UE phase discontinuity
measurement for a circuit switched connection.
Options and Equipment Required
A WCDMA phase discontinuity measurement requires the following equipment:
Wideband Radio Communication Tester R&S CMW500 with software version
V1.0.15.0 or R&S CMW280 with software version
V1.0.15.20. The latest software
version is recommended.
This application sheet describes software version V3.0.20.
Option R&S CMW-KS400, "WCDMA Signaling" application
Option R&S CMW-KM400, "WCDMA Multi Evaluation" measurement
Application Sheets