GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
LAN Detection
Activate "LAN Detection" to include the LAN interface in the autodetection sequence
"LAN detection" only works for external devices on the IP subnet with the
As a prerequisite, the R&S
ZNA must accept incoming connections on UDP port 2473.
If necessary, add a corresponding inbound rule to your firewall settings.
Remote command:
Add Device
Adds a new instrument to the list of "Configured Devices".
In the "Add External Power Meter" dialog, you can specify the instrument and connec-
tion properties:
"Interface" selects an interface/protocol type for the connection. In addition to the
GPIB, VXI-11, SOCKET and "Raw Serial" interface types, the analyzer accepts any
"Other" interface supported by the installed VISA library.
GPIB, VXI-11 and SOCKET is applicable for devices connected to the GPIB
Bus or LAN connectors on the rear panel of the analyzer, respectively.
"Raw Serial" is used for
VDI Erickson power meters PMx and PM4
trol units are connected to the R&S
ZNA via USB. The PM5 control unit is
equipped with a USB interface, for the PM4 an additional USB-to-RS232
adapter is required.
"Other" is used in particular for USB connections, e.g. for auto-detected
NRP-Zxx sensors.
"Address" contains the address for the current interface type. GPIB addresses
must be unique for all devices connected to the GPIB bus (range: 0 to 30), GPIB
and IP addresses must agree with the entries in the VISA library. The remaining
interface types require composite address formats; see
For VDI Erickson PM4 power meters, the (virtual) COM port of the related USB-to-
RS232 adapter must be specified (see
on page 288). PM4
Setup softtool