GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Auto Power Setting for Cal Unit
Sets the source power at all test ports to -10 dBm while an automatic calibration is
active. Applying this source power to the ports of the calibration unit ensures best
accuracy of the automatic calibration. The source powers are reset to their original val-
ues after the calibration is completed. The automatic power reduction can be deactiva-
ted in case that the test setup introduces a large attenuation.
Remote command:
Auto Averaging
Activates automatic averaging, which means that the VNA performs multiple calibration
sweeps and applies averaging to reduce trace noise. In contrast to regular averaging
on page 486), the number of calibration sweeps is
calculated automatically.
Remote command:
Show Cal Kit Label
Enables/disables the "Calibration Info" dialog during manual calibration (see
Independent of the state of the "Show Cal Kit Label" flag, cal kit labels are displayed in
several other manual calibration dialogs.
Use Reduced Number of Through
logic for every port assignment of an auto-
matic calibration.
Setup softtool